DEHN protects gas pipelines
DEHN protects the gas industry

Lightning and surge protection for pipelines

Prevent damage, keep interference voltage under control

Pipelines often run alongside high-voltage lines or railway lines. If they run parallel over longer distances, external voltages can have a negative effect on pipelines causing wear and tear and thus corrosion damage.

Personal protection is the top priority

If the potential on the pipeline is too high, it can lead to unacceptably high touch voltages which might endanger people in areas where the system is freely accessible or during maintenance work.

Influence of interference voltage

  • gas pipelines streuströme fremdspannungen
    Sources of interference produce stray currents and electromagnetic fields. >>>
  • Interference voltage generated by a high-voltage line
    Interference voltage generated by a high-voltage line
  • Fremdspannungen erzeugt durch Erdfehler
    Interference voltage from earth faults
  • Fremdspannungen erzeugt durch Blitzschlag
    Interference voltage caused by lightning strikes
  • Fremdspannungen durch elektrische Bahnen
    Interference voltage from electric railways causes AC corrosion

Interference voltage endangers human life and causes AC corrosion to components and devices.

Sources of interference such as high-voltage lines, electric railways or lightning strikes produce stray currents and electromagnetic fields. These are injected into the pipeline via the ground, changing its potential and thus causing AC corrosion.

High costs due to leaks

Leaks are the consequence. These often lead to enormous damage to property and the environment and therefore high costs: complicated pipeline repairs, gas grid failure, claims for damages due to leaked gas, etc.


How to protect pipelines from being damaged

Passive corrosion protection

Passive corrosion protection, i.e. painting or coating the pipeline, is the first step. However, this alone does not suffice as even small imperfections in the coating soon lead to local corrosion on the pipeline. Achieve a greater degree of safety with active corrosion protection.

Active corrosion protection

Cathodic corrosion protection is the most effective method of stopping electrochemical corrosion processes. A protective current (direct current) prevents current from escaping at the gaps in the coating or sheathing.

Product recommendations

Specially conceived for cathodic protection systems: VCSD

This smart decoupling device protects equipment and components in case of temporary and  long-term overvoltages. It also protects people from impermissibly high touch voltages.

EXFS Coaxial Box

With the EXFS Coaxial Box you protect the insulating joints of pipelines in hazardous areas. To make regular inspections easier, the Coaxial Connection Box with integrated ex isolating spark gap EXFS 100 is installed outside the ex zone.


Have you got questions? Contact us.

Team Process Technology

Telefon: +49 9181 906 1740

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